Hello residents of the interweb! Been gone for a long time and will probably disappear again after this post cause ya know, “life”.However, I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog post about my new “life” before disappearing again.

As some of you might know, I have started my university life as a freshman at LUMS.Not only that but I’m also a hostelite. Although this post would be a 100% depiction of my life at LUMS,it does not mean that same can not be applied to your university. So all you people out there waiting for your universities to start *cough*NUST*cough*,consider this post a heads up about what’s about to happen.

You WILL be alone, and that’s OK

When you start a new school or a job, you feel some sort of pressure to make new friends. Same is the case with university. Everyone is new and everyone is looking for someone. In such environment, some people bond easier and quicker than you and in the end you might have to get food alone. It’s ok. Everything takes time so don’t be disheartened if you had to sit in the common room for two hours while staring at your mobile and listening to other girls chat. This brings me to my next point:

Make an effort

If you are anything like me then starting a conversation is not your best trait. However, university is a place where you HAVE to get out of your comfort zone. As I said, everyone is new and everyone is looking for someone so any random comment/question can be used to break the ice. Wanna know how I broke the ice in the common room? I asked what were the orientation timings for the day after. It was not directed at any one particular person and felt more of an announcement than a question but it definitely worked. People are generally good, they are extra good when they want to make friends, so don’t be afraid to talk to someone, chances are you’ll be welcomed.

You say the biggest f@!#% you to your looks

Or at least this is something I did. To be honest, it depends from person to person but for me, I was in my sweat pants by the second day of the orientation week. I would rather sleep those extra 10 minutes than spend them on make up.

Food becomes an option

Remember when your life revolved around food? Well it doesn’t anymore. If you could, you would rather eat cocomo and super crisps in your room than walk out of your hostel to get actual food.I am a person who prefers to skip meal than eat alone, so when most of the people I know have different class schedules than me, chances are that I’ll be skipping meals. However, I know that it’s not a healthy practice so I try to sneak in at least one proper meal everyday. From being force fed 3 times a day by my mother, to 1 meal per day. Nice.

Don’t be a snob

Let me first disperse a myth about LUMS; It does not only comprise of elitist. It has a student body consisting of array of backgrounds and you should never judge someone by his/her background. Be kind and accepting to everyone and make people around you feel comfortable.

Do not try to be “Cool”

Here is an other thing about LUMS; it’s considered “cool”. Now that “cool” can take a lot of different forms there and you might feel like fitting in that mould of “cool”.Don’t. If you are not comfortable in doing certain things that your peers are interested in then just walk away. Remember, the impression that you give during your first week or two would probably last for rest of 4 years, so be careful with that.

Go out

“LUMS is a bubble”. This is something I had only heard before joining LUMS and didn’t pay much attention to it, but now I am certain. LUMS is most definitely a bubble. I’m sure rest of the universities are the same so a piece of advice, do not limit yourself to the walls of the university. I know parents would not agree with this but go out, catch a movie, eat in a restaurant, ride a rickshaw for the first time or do whatever you want, just leave the boundaries of your university once in a while or else you would forget that a world outside exists, a world that has certain rules that you have to follow.

Learn to walk away

In universities, especially LUMS, you’ll see things which will make you do a double take. After that double take, just walk away. It’s none of your business.


I lost mine during my first week. Yay Arooj. It’s a pain if you lose your keys, especially if you don’t have a roommate or duplicates. Guard those suckers with your life.


Transitioning from school to university is not easy. It’s even more difficult if you come with a closed mind. Keep your mind open and don’t be afraid to come out of your comfort zone. I’ve learned a lot and it’s only been a month (not even a whole month). Who knows what next 4 years have in store for me? Maybe I’ll write a blog post about it. New post coming up in 4 years then, not bad.