Hello world! Another blog post without a month’s gap? Wow I’m on fire!

Since I’ll be bidding farewell to my school life soon, I thought it would be a good idea to summarize what I learned during my 15 years in this institute of knowledge. By “learned”, I do not mean Pythagoras theorem or Quantum physics, in fact I’ll be listing the cold hard truths that I learned in each grade and my perception of my surroundings at the given time. Some are based on personal experiences and some are just general facts. So here is my list. Enjoy!

.Nursery to Kindergarten 

What I learned: If I shit or pee in my pants, a nice old lady will come to the rescue and wash me. However, this act of mine will be remembered by my class fellows for years to come.

.Class 1 and 2

What I learned: It is no longer acceptable to “go” in my pants. Use the toilet. Also, everyone is so nice and caring. I feel like the whole class is my best friend. *Cuddles*.

.Class 3

What I learned: Some teachers can be real douche. They will have no problem slapping you across the face in front of the whole class. Plus, boys are becoming hugely annoying day by day.

 .Class 4 to 5

What I learned: Grouping. Grouping. Grouping. There are 4 types of people in the class: nerds, warning letter recipients, those who study but fail anyway and those who pass without studying. I also learned that I hate boys.This hatred gives me the capacity to allow one of them to poke a pencil in my hand till it starts to bleed because I made a bet with him.

.Class 6

What I learned: Wow, A class comprising of only girls can feel weird. Who are these jokers from other sections? I miss my old class fellows. Go away I don’t wanna be your friend. What’s up with teachers? Chill out people, no need to tell us how many sections you teach.

.Class 7

What I learned: I learned that I can be real dumb sometimes  because EVERY.EMBARRASSING.MOMENT.HAPPENED.IN.THIS.CLASS. Probably the worst year of my school life. I wish to not discuss it further.

small tidbit: I received a warning letter in this class.

.Class 8

What I learned: The power of social media.This was the year in which Facebook and mobiles entered our lives (for majority). Oh those beautiful rumors, affairs and constant drama. This year taught me that everyone’s an idiot and craves attention. Sad losers.

.Class 9

What I learned: Shuffling again! New jokers in the class. O level officially starts and I learned that people can be highly obsessive about their studies. No need to memorize every word people, CIEs are still a year away.

.Class 10

What I learned:I can become fond of my class fellows. Plus I learned teachers can be highly prejudiced.

.Class 11

What I learned: An unbreakable bond can be formed with the people I barely knew a year before. Rest of the sections are filled with weirdos.My class and I collectively hate them.

.As Level

What I learned: People who I considered weirdos are not weird at all. They are just people I don’t understand.There will always be someone smarter than you in the class and its okay. Also, sometimes you have to be nice with people who you actually hate because you are trying to be diplomatic. This coupled with the new found freedom makes this grade a roller coaster ride.

.A2 Level

What I learned: To hell with being nice, it takes too much energy anyway. This is also the year I realized that everybody lies and is a two faced bitch. The only people I can trust are my 4-5 closest friends. I will no longer accept the bullshit that people throw at me because everyone needs to be reminded of his or her actual place.

All good things must come to an end. You might think that you are surrounded with weird personalities but the people who you actually trust and love will make your school life the most amazing time of your life. Cherish it while it lasts!